Danie Smith was born in 1971 in Westonaria near Johannesburg.  A solitary kind of boy, he started drawing at a very young age. Recognising his talent, an art teacher encouraged him to participate in art shows and it was at one of these that  his paintings won first prize and caught the attention of art critics and lovers alike. After that, his paintings were exhibited at school where he sold them to pay for private art classes. Danie’s exceptional talent was also recognised by the headmaster of his secondary school and he referred Danie to one of South Africa’s great masters of impressionist art – the late Adriaan Boshoff (1935-2007). Danie, at the age of about 17, had the extraordinary opportunity of having Adriaan Boshoff take him under his wing to develop his artistic talent.


This resulted in a year of intensive study and rigorous training in classical fine art techniques.  Adriaan’s paintings greatly influenced the young painter: “The intense quality of each painting made an immense impression on me. I then decided that I too would produce great works of high quality of my own, and be a major success.”


During this period with his mentor, Danie reflected on his thoughts, impressions and experiences in a personal diary. His singular passion for art was clear, even at such an early age. He avidly writes that “art is my life. It is a God-driven force.” In this same diary he also describes the strong influence of faith on his life and works, noting that “being an artist, I am completely dependent on God – the greatest Artist of all times.”


Danie was soon confronted with the realization that this compulsion for painting could bring either great joy to him or “break [his] life”. He continues to write that “once you have started, you have no choice but to go on and on … sometimes [through] many months [of] all-hour sketching, dreaming, imagining, thinking and planning. You have to completely immerse yourself in this other world; reflecting on and reacting to emotions and intuitions generated during this process.” Danie was, however, encouraged by his mentor who especially complimented Danie’s unique way of using colour and how this contributed to the effects created in his paintings.


Thus he pursued his painting career with a "burning desire", becoming a rather enigmatic painter; dreaming and imagining scenes, developing as a human being through the trials and joys of life, maturing as an artist in his own introverted way. He started selling his paintings (mostly privately) in 1985 and has only recently begun to sell internationally.  


Danie married Karien in 1993 and together they have three beautiful children. His family is very dear to him and it is for this reason that he also includes them as models in many of his paintings, the subject matter ranging from commonplace activities to landscapes and seascapes. Subtly embedded in his work is a vibrant positivity, reflecting the beauty of life. This is especially evident in the idyllic, colourful scenes of nature depicting a harmonious synergy between man and animal, in the paintings portraying many a precious family moment made up of ordinary daily activities, and also in the inspired representations of musicians playing an array of instruments, amongst others. The sense of movement, beauty, and emotion in his paintings resonates with people on a deep emotional level. With his unique, unassuming style, Danie recreates his impressions on canvas, capturing the atmosphere, mood, colour and light in a lasting way.


The essence of his art radiates from a deep sense of pure, untarnished moments: “I believe my gift of art can evoke in people experiences of pure, simplistic moments of joy and inner healing.”


In addition to being an accomplished painter, Danie has also started sculpting. This new development “happened overnight” and his sculptures are creating quite a buzz. Often sharing common motifs with his paintings, his sculptures are proving to be of an equally high standard. 

Danie’s work, with its emphasis on quality and its emotive content, is in high demand. This, together with his dedication, exceptional talent and an abundance of grace, has earned him a reputation as one  of South Africa’s leading artists.